Interview with Nathan

Hello! This is an interview with my friend from the Xbox clan ESCE ( Exiled Soldiers Corrupted Executioners).

What is your name

My name is Nathan ( he diden’t want me to use is second name for special resons).

What is your favorite food?

Even that its not food, but i got to have to say really sweet candy!

What can you tell me about yourself?

I am from unitedkingdom and i have quite a big family.

Do you have any pets?

Yes actually, both a dog and a cat.

How long have you been a member of ESCE?

For about five days.

What is your favorite game?

I probably must say minecraft becuse i really like that game.

Do you have any other intrests  than gaming?

When i am not playing games i probably are reading a good book or so.


That’s all for me, thanks for reading and see you in the next text  i write!


Interwiev with school teacher!

Interwiev with gymnastic teacher!



Question 1. Whats your name?

My name is  Linda Stenlund.


Question 2. Do you think your boss is nice?

Yes I do.


Question 3. What is your favorite movie?

I don’t really know, it was such a long time sins I saw a movie.


Question 4. If you earned a superpower, what would it be?

I would really enjoy being a wizard!


Question 5. Where do you live?

I live in Sundsvall, Sidelake.





Food is like gods tears

(Like you already heard this story is gonna be about food so don’t judge me!)

Food often have a lot of spices in it, like chilli. On most peaploe chill will make them cry. Just beacuse it’s so strong taste on it. An other food that a foreginer has taken in to sweden is the hamburgur: Here is a Picture of it:


In this food it is a lot of fat, bad fat. But it tastes so good! A good thing to eat is sallad. This is a Picture of how a sallad may look:


Sallad is a good, colourful and healthy food that you should eat to all meals! Much food come from india, but many lands are so racist so we won’t get more food ( here at the second flor). In England fish and chips is a poupular food there on the flat streats of England! end!

Halloweeni hihihi

It was an earliy halloween evening and Alex and Jesper was out Walking in the moonlight. They were out for trick or treat. You Alex? Don’t you think halloween is not that scary as it was some years ago. Yea, you totally are right on that one. They walk up to a house knocked the door and Sayed: Trick or treat! Out fell a dead women whit a carved vegetable in her hands. Ahh! screamed both of them and they ran away as fast as they could. They stop about 500 Meters from the house whit the women. What was that?! said Alex. Do you really thought i would know? said Jesper.


Were are we? said Jesper. Well all i know is that all our neighbors is gone. said Alex. Now i know! We’re at the cemetary! said Jesper. Suddenly a hand pulled back Jesper. Jesper? Jesper? Were did you go? This is not funny Jesper, come here now! But then also Alex got pulled in to the dark.

Who are you?! Said Jesper. I am Adam, one of the lone survivors… Wow,wow,wow. Explaine yourself! Said Alex. What do you mean whit ”lone survivors”? Every year on All hallows evening Death appear in one town on Earth and kill everyone he can lay his hands on. He alsow teleport one at the time to the cemetary! said Adam. So you mean he is still walking around here somewere? Yes. said Death himself.

Ahh! screamed everyone of them. There he stod, the nasty demon him self. Especilly Jesper thought he was frightening. If you can answer my riddle i will let you live and let all peaploe i killed so far live again. Here it comes: Where does the birds fly? ohh, thats a hard one… What about where there beak is pointing? Gaaah! How did you know?! Easy birds can’t fly but were there beak is pointing. Well i guess i have to let your peaploe live again. But beware, i’ll be back!
Poof! And he was gone again. Well that was scary. said Alex. I guess we should go home. said Jesper. Thanks for your infomation Adam. Your welcome!
The end

My Letter!

 Hello everybody!

 I’m a handsome guy that love mountain biking. I have a big family whit six members. I’m eleven and a half years old and I’m in the best time in my life. I’m 100% Swedish and I think it’s really boring. I have two big dreams, one of them is I want to fly to the moon and the second dream is I want a really lovely girl. My best friend is Hugo Li. Hello Hugo if you read this!

 Good bye!


Här kommer lite bilder från marknaden igår. Sista gången nu för 5c… Vår klass drog in hela 2454:- till vår vänby Yalambojoch. Jag återkommer med skolans samlade resultat. Det var kul att så många kunde komma och att vi fick sälja så mycket saker.

Om ni inte har sett inslaget om marknaden där Hugo Li och Emir blir intervjuade så se det här: